Monday, February 15, 2010

A Friend is Shooting My Wedding......

We are excited to be given the news last week. Nothing makes me happier to know we are making our brides LOOK and feel BEAUTIFUL! Thank you for all the love and great comments. We enjoy them. Hearing great things from our girls makes us want to do better for the upcoming year. Go to or pick up your copy of 2010's Best of the Best on newsstands today. I also want to thank all of my employees for all the hard work with the expos this past January and February. You all did a great job and I couldn't ask for better people. We have signed up 34 NEW consults since and are still going strong.

Topic: MY _______ is going to photograph our wedding.

All too often I have brides come in for a consultation just to feel out the prices in the market. I do hear that their uncle, friend, or relative has offered to shoot their wedding and they are strongly considering it. I would never talk someone down on this matter but I would like to take this moment to educate those of you that are in consideration of this.
A wedding is something we dream of as children. We spend our lives planning and looking through books. Wondering who our prince charming is going to be and what the day will be like when he proposes. The day finally comes and it's time to do all the preparation for the event. We spend the next 6 months to 1 year planning our PERFECT event. The gorgeous cake, the first dance when you have the long gaze into eachothers eyes, that first moment when he sees you in your dress or wipes the tears from your face as you join hands at the alter. These are the things you wait your life for.
The question is....are these the things you are willing to give up in your photographs? You really need to ask yourself is $2000-$3000 worth a lifetime of those memories? On a personal level that is a small price to pay to make sure I can have those memories for ever.
There is a huge difference between your friend who has never shot a wedding and has no idea what special moments to look for. Also what about the proper equipment. The camera isn't the only necessity to capturing these moments. I have several lenses that I use to make sure I can capture the tear drop as it rolls down your mothers face as she watches her daughter being given away. Or the powerful lighting you need to light up the dimly lit church. The best example is the dimly lit church where flash or lighting is not allowed! Does your family have the ability to shoot and still capture quality images in the dark? What about all the post-production and color correcting that is done after the event? Can they handle all of these situations for you.
This moment is what we spend our lives waiting for. I just ask that you think REALLY long about letting a non-professional shoot your event. If you speak with studios, most will help you figure out a way to help you afford the package you want. You spend so much time, effort and money on your event.....don't cut short all your going to have at the end of the day for memories. We can help you!!!!!

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